Monday 12 March 2012

Long and winding road

One of my goals for this year is to fulfil a longstanding ambition to become one of those crazy people who not only love to exercise but actually do so on a daily basis.

I love exercising, I really do, when I'm doing it. The problem is I never seem to be able to find time. I work long hours and also study part time which means a lot of my free time is taken up either preparing for college, in classes or revising. The only time I really have is a short window in the morning. However getting out of bed and dragging myself to the gym when my bed is cosy and it's dark outside is a major struggle. Neil often asks me whether "morning Becca" will go to the gym because even though I go to bed with bags of enthusiasm by the time 6am arrives I just want to turn over and go back to sleep.

The only times I've properly kept up my routine is when I have the Leeds Abbey Dash to train for. I know I need to get myself into gear and so inspired by the fantastic new project from @BangsandaBun - I want to make a fresh start.

I completely believe that fitness should be about more than how we look - it's about how we feel. I know from experience that going to work with my legs aching from an early morning run can actually feel pretty awesome.

I would of course be totally lying if I pretended there isn't a part of me that wants to lose weight and tone up. Having done the whole crash diet thing when I finished university I'm kind of done with scales, I just want to know that I am fit and healthy and treating my body right.

This needs to be about more than good intentions and in order to prevent myself lapsing I'm going to try and blog/tweet about my progress.

Do you have any fitness ambitions? Are there any particular types of exercise you love? I'd really love to hear about it.

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